Sorry for the long moment of silence Chocolatiers. I've learned that hold ups and delays are par for the course. But I’m happy to tell you that DCTO is in full oceanic motion headed for our shores and will be here shortly. --assuming the ship doesn't sink--
The Official launch is slated for SDCC07, and yes Lou, I will be there with bells on. You can find me at the Toy Qube booth (#4397). I’ll have the ‘Ritual Brush’ DCTO there for sale as well a Toy Qube exclusive. In addition to DCTO I hope to have another surprise to show.
In the meantime, here are the proofs in the chocolate pudding.
In the next post I'll be announcing details of the CHOCOLATE SOOP’s first official DCTO contest exclusively for the Chocolatiers on the shots list, so if you know anyone that might be interested in winning one of these little Zen Masters let me know.