Saturday, October 16, 2010


Takashi Murakami's exhibition in Versailles. I love the scale of this exhibition. It would be great to see this collection in the real.


Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Monk & The Monkey

The Monk & The Monkey from Brendan Carroll on Vimeo.

A determined young boy, Ragu, is sent by his master on his final quest to become a monk. A seemingly simple task becomes an unexpected challenge for Ragu as he discovers the real value of his quest.

© 2010 Brendan Carroll & Francesco Giroldini. Music by Erez Koskas.
Ringling College of Art + Design.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010


Mark your calendars! Vancouver ACM SIGGRAPH is pleased to announce tickets for the 3rd annual SPARK Animation Conference and Festival are now on sale! SIGGRAPH.CA

Here's a first look at one of the graphics for the event...

"Looked for but not seen, listened for but not heard, and felt but never touched."

The theme of this conference is Ninja. The concept is about the community of highly skilled masters of the mystic creative arts. We work in the shadows unseen by the public. We execute our mission with finely honed skills to exacting precision, and if we've done out job right, you'll never know we were there. There are more images coming so check back often.
Don't miss this event! We're Showcasing the top talent from the world of animation, including speakers from PIXAR, Dreamworks and Disney as well as indie film makers and a day long track focusing on both creative and technical elements of stereoscopic 3D. Check the link and subscribe to our newsletter.



The Art Hustle...


Friday, June 04, 2010

WOW it's been a minute...

Couple of things to update for those that haven't been following me on Twitter.

My piece from the Sketchbot show has sold. Yea me! Thanks very much to the person who bought it.
It was one of my favourite pieces to work on and I think one of my best customs to date. I think it stood out from the crowd because it zigged when others zagged. It's hard to not work in a chocolate theme when the figure screams out "Dip me in cocoa!" so I did.Here's an image of the final piece.

Next is the Thought Processor Show The NYC series currently on display at MPH The show runs from May 21 - June 21, 2010. A super talented group of artists displayed their skillz on Phoneticcontrol's paper toy chassis. My piece was based on the My MMARTIN™ robot project that I've been working on for while now and has become somewhat of a monster waiting to drop. Now that the economy seems to be getting some wind back in it's sails, the project is back on track and even received some favorable attention from one of the big game publishers. That nod has given me an even bigger boost to push forward with getting this idea out in the world. If you want a one off first expression of a soon to be unveiled vision of the future, then claim this one for your collection before someone else does. (I'm just sayin')
The ModNation Racers game is out in full force. I loved working with the team and am honoured to have been able to contribute to the experience. I dropped by the UFG studio the other day and found a giant standy of 'Tag' I guess you could call him the front man for the game. I really get a kick out of seeing my work in the real world.

So what's next? Well I can't tell you just yet, that would spoil the surprise. What I will say is that there are things in the works to 'Spark' the imagination. Ninjas, robots and things made of paper on the way... ^____^

Be easy


Monday, March 22, 2010

Sketchbot Custom Show!!!

My good friend Steve Talkowski aka. Sketchbot is having his first custom show at MPH (MyPlasticHeartNYC) Friday, March 26.2010 I'm very honored to have been invited to contribute. If you happen to be in NYC, make sure to check out the show.

Here's a little peak at my piece for the show.

Check out his bog for a few sneak peaks the custom from the Artists. or see more of Steve's work at

Links to the artist in the show:

Wednesday, January 06, 2010


mphlabs presents Lou Pimentel first custon show at myplasticheart gallery in NYC. 15 artists (including myself) were invited to get up on Lou's debut piece "Cranston Fellows Jr."

My piece will be in good company: 64 colors, kaNO, Chalkoskis, Dok A, Leecifer, Nemo, Brent Nolasco, Reactor-88, Scribe, Julie West, Jason Limon, Jeremiah Ketner, N.C. Winters, and the man himself Lou Pimentel.

Opening Reception: Friday Jan 8th 2009 6 - 9pm
Exhibition runs through Jan 30th 2010


Friday, January 01, 2010

Wishing you and yours, health, wealth, and happiness in 2010.